Earlier this month I went AWOL on my orders again and made a little Halloween mouse, who is already well settled in her new home. It was my first attempt at a ruff; much spitting and swearing (well, mild cursing anyway) ensued, as I fiddled about with unruly ribbon.

And then, just as I thought I'd cracked the perfect technique, I thought of a better way of doing it and had to re-do the whole thing again the next day.

But we got there in the end. Her head and arms are thread jointed and moveable.

The heart I always put on my toys was popped onto her tail end.

I like ruffs a lot and now that I've worked them out, they'll be making more appearances. I searched for the perfect name, and found a miniature type of pumpkin called 'Baby Boo' ,which was just right.

By happy coincidence, the kind person who was taking on my fat little Halloween mouse, also sent me an unexpected present, which arrived just as I was about to post her off. Photo opportunity of course!

My first and only Halloween decoration, a sparkly glass pumpkin half which is now dangling with my best treasures. (Thank you again to the gifter!)

And here she is in her new home, suitably surrounded by other festive decorations, saying hello to Griselda the goose witch - quite scary to think that I made her two years ago.

Luckily Baby Boo had already left by the time this awesome hoard of American candy landed with a hefty thump on the doorstep - an incredibly generous box of sweets from lovely Sooz, who knows that we like Dove Promises and Jellybeans and threw *just a few* more things in as well. Had Baby Boo found them she might not have been able to fit into her mailing box.